Letter From Marina | Sisterhood
It’s hard to admit, but female friendships are not always easy for me. I enjoy hanging out with guy friends because I don’t feel like I have to worry as much about someone’s feelings getting hurt (mine or someone else’s). Most of my close female friends are easy to be around, and they admit they also struggle building and maintaining close female friendships.
Recently, I’ve noticed the Universe asking me to expand when it comes to female friendships. Instead of avoiding the difficult things that bubble up, we’ve been facing difficulties head-on. In the past when I’ve felt triggered by a female friend, we haven’t necessarily had the skills or resources to be able to work through it and come to a resolution.
Lately, though, I’ve witnessed myself and others feeling triggered, but courageously communicating, setting boundaries, and coming to a healthy conclusion. This can be a terrifying process, especially when we recall the times we tried to do this and were met with hostility or the loss of a friend.
It hasn’t been easy, but I am so proud of myself and the women around me for doing the work, valuing authenticity, and holding compassion for one another. Without the courageous female friends in my life, I don’t know that I would be able to heal through my challenges with rejection, boundary setting, and power.
If this resonates with you, know that you aren’t alone. Historically, women have been pitted against each other. There is no way to heal these wounds overnight. The best we can do is focus on our own individual healing, choose curiosity and compassion over defensiveness, lift each other up, and trust in our hearts that there is enough for us all to thrive.
Sending blessings and love your way, 🤗
Marina 🔮